Current Issues

Just released:


The Displacement, Extinction and Genocide of the Pontic Greeks 1916–1923, ed. by Medardus Brehl and Kristin Platt
Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft 2025

1. Auflage
380 Seiten

ISBN 978-3-95832-198-4

Recent international research has emphasized that the Armenian genocide must be understood as only one chapter of an overall campaign of the Young-Turkish and Kemalist government against non-Muslim (and later non-Turkish) communities. Besides the Armenians, particularly Greek communities in Asia Minor were most affected by forced migration and atrocities committed against them. This governmental campaign reached its violent climax in the genocide of the Greek communities in the Pontic area at the shores of the Black Sea. Although this topic has become increasingly prominent in Anglo-American historical studies, it continues to be neglected within the European field of research.

This publication raises awareness and promotes international and interdisciplinary research on the genocide of the Pontic Greeks. As the displacement and extinction of the Pontic-Greek community must be contextualized as part of the complex socio-political relations between Muslim/Turkish hegemony and Non-Muslim/Non-Turkish communities, the publication brings together the expert knowledge of international scholars working within the fields of the late Ottoman, Young-Turkish and Kemalist period, as well as Greco-Turkish relations and Greek diaspora.

Authors: Monika Albrecht, Medardus Brehl, Mihran Dabag, Thea Halo, Tessa Hofmann, Antonis Klapsis, Theodosios Kyriakidis, Vasileios Th. Meichanetsidis, Kristin Platt, Miltiadis Sarigiannidis, Robert Shenk, Nikos Sigalas, Zeynep Turkyilmaz.


Just released:


An Unresolved Issue: Genocide in Colonial Namibia, ed. by Andreas Eckl and Matthias Häussler with Martha Akawa-Shikufa, Windhoek: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 2024, 403 pages (ISBN: 978-99945-56-38-0).

Open Access - please press "weiterlesen" for download.


Just released:


Platt, Kristin: Die Namen der Katastrophe. Holocaust und Shoah als sprachliche und soziale Zeichen
Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft 2024, 754 pp.


Anti-Semitism in Academia


Interview with Prof. Dr. Kristin Platt

published: 24.04.2024,

»Kristin Platt researches the history of anti-Semitism. And she’s also concerned about discrimination in contemporary academia. She’s addressed this issue in a number of projects.

Is National Socialism an outdated issue? Not at all, says associate professor Dr. Kristin Platt. As head of the Institute for Diaspora and Genocide Studies at Ruhr University Bochum, she’s concerned about anti-Semitism in the academic community.«


Häussler, Matthias / Eckl, Andreas: Lothar von Throtha in Deutsch-Südwestafrika, 1904-1905. Bd. I: Das Tagebuch / Bd. 2: Das Fotoalbum, Berlin u.a.: De Gruyter 2024.


Lothar von Trotha in German South–West Africa 1904–1905. Volume I: The Diary / Volume II: The Photo Album

Lieutenant General Lothar von Trotha – Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Protection Force for German South-West Africa from 1904 to 1905 in the fight against the OvaHerero, Nama, and Orrlam – is rightly considered to be the main party responsible for the first genocide of the twentieth century in colonial Namibia. This critical edition gives the public access to central sources and Lothar von Trotha’s diary and photo album for the first time.

The publication is the result of a DFG-funded research project at the Institute for Diaspora Research and Genocide Studies/RUB. It is now available as an e-book. The print version will be published on February 19, 2024.


Just released:

Genocidal Violance

Platt, Kristin: Extreme Violence and Desecration in the Armenian Genocide

in: Genocidal Violence. Concepts, Forms, Impact, ed. by Frank Jacob and Kim Sebastian Todzi, Berlin/Boston MA 2023, pp. 213-234.


International Visiting Scholar at the IDG


Savannah Whittemore (University of Mississippi) will be a visiting scholar at IDG for 10 months as part of a Fulbright grant. The topic area of her research is "The History of the First Amendment, Hate Speech and Genocide."

We are looking forward to the exchange and the collaboration!


"Insights into the life and mindset of a genocidal murderer"

Rubinartikel, März 2022

RUBIN article on the IDG research project "Textual and pictorial narrative of genocide. A critical edition of the written and photographic legacy of Lothar von Trotha, commander-in-chief of the colonial troops in German South West Africa from 1904 to 1905". The project is funded by the DFG.

Foto: © Damian Gorczany


Recently published:


Häussler, Matthias: The Herero Genocide. War, Emotion, and Extreme Violence in Colonial Namibia, Oxford und New York: Berghahn Books 2021

Drawing on previously inaccessible and overlooked archival sources, The Herero Genocide undertakes a groundbreaking investigation into the war between colonizer and colonized in what was formerly German South-West Africa and is today the nation of Namibia. In addition to its eye-opening depictions of the starvation, disease, mass captivity, and other atrocities suffered by the Herero, it reaches surprising conclusions about the nature of imperial dominion, showing how the colonial state’s genocidal posture arose from its own inherent weakness and military failures. The result is an indispensable account of a genocide that has been neglected for too long.


Dr. Kristin Platt: "The 'Violent Situation'. On participating in collective violence"

Platt, Vortrag RV, WiSe 16-17

Presentation in the course of the lecture series "Political Violence in the 21st Century".
Now as podcast on "L.I.S.A. - Das Wissenschaftsportal der Gerda Henkel Stiftung".

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