Remote Labs and virtual Learning Environment

In the course of the fourth industrial revolution, which leads to an increased merging of digital environments and the real world, an in-depth understanding for digital technologies will become more and more important for professional engineers. ELLI2 addresses these developments in the “Remote Labs”, “Virtual Labs” and “E-Learning and Mobile Learning” spheres of activity.

Broadening the portfolio of virtual and remote laboratories
The laboratories provided in the ELLI project in cooperation with 10 chairs of 3 faculties cater to a wide variety of target groups due to their high range of options for use. Currently, the individual labs are designed for specific stages of the curriculum. Future didactic developments of the portfolio will address students of all experience levels, pupils, and the general public.

Enabling deeper understanding through process virtualization
A variety of digital tools and media for process virtualization will be tested and validated within teaching practice. The faculty’s experiences will be documented and evaluated to provide the basis for measure ‘Ways to digitally enhanced teaching’. Focal subjects of teaching will be the mathematical modeling of high pressure mixing processes and the analysis of porous materials.

Digitally enhanced teaching
An interactive course will provide a portfolio of ideas and concepts for the integration of digital elements in teaching. Teachers will present on their own experiences with digital tools and media and enable their colleagues to explore them from a learner’s perspective. Besides profiting from their colleagues’ advice, faculty will also be offered support when implementing digital enhancement in their own courses.